
Planning on starting P90X/indoor cycle trainer this week.

Being Earlier in 2013

My new year's resolution was to get up earlier, workout in the morning, and make it to work earlier so that I could get home earlier to hang out with the wife and kids. I also have about 4 months of training to do so that I am earlier to the finish line in the 2013 WVMBA series. I downloaded an app for my Iphone that has helped me accomplish this, SleepCycle. See the related review in the Reviews Section.

2012 was a crazy year for me.  We had a baby at the end of 2011, I started a new job, bought a new house, and moved 2 hours away.  In 2012 I upgraded from Beginner class to Sport Vet (35-45 years old) and it was a shock to the system. I was not used to going twice the distance and it was difficult to determine a good pace. I had my first DNF at a race in Phillipi because I was dehydrated. I wish I would have taken a breather and finished instead of taking the easy way out. I competed in less races in 2012 than in 2011 and finished 9th place overall.  Not too bad for my first year in Sport class, but I wanna win!

2013 is a fresh start.  I recently began my training regime that consists of alternating every other day between P90X strength discs and riding my indoor trainer or riding on the local trails.   The first week wasn't too bad, but I am a little on the sore side.  Luckily the weather hasn't been too terribly cold, but I am getting used to riding in 33 degree F temperatures.  Bought a new bike in 2012, a Cannondale Scalpel 29er Carbon 2.  It is wicked fast and I am starting to get used to it.  Hopefully the Winter training will pay off in better results in 2013.  Wish me luck!

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